Your Bag (1)

St. Louis Throw
Size - Small
Colour - Pale Greys
Qty - 1
Price - £12.00


Now that the world has temporarily paused for some of us, it’s been an opportunity to take stock, not just in a literal sense, and find solutions to anything weighing us down.

I’ve tidied out my stock rooms, and I’ve tried to tidy out my mind, despite the horrible uncertainty facing us all as a nation. And what a spring it has been for physical and mental clear outs! Ever since we were told to stay at home, it seems that the weather could not have been better.

Mother Nature has unfurled in her full glory, unleashing the sunniest of springs upon us to lift our spirits. The colours here on the coast have been sensational, the hedgerows are bejewelled with flowers, newborn lambs are gambolling in the fields, and slow worms are basking uninterrupted in the sunshine. The roads are quiet, and everything is peaceful. Taking daily exercise could not have been more pleasant and more mindful than it has been this month. There’s something soothing about being out in the woods, or climbing the cliffs which helps to process any business anxieties.

I’m thankful that at least this beautiful planet of ours is getting a minuscule chance to heal a little whilst we are adopting a simpler way of life, and focusing on what’s important. I hope some of these positive new ways will stay with us as a society instead of returning to a frenetic pace that is so destructive to Mother Earth.